Renzo Huber

About Renzo:
- Since Nov. 2022 Renzo is a staff scientist in the functional magnetic resonance facility (FMRIF) headed by Peter Bandettini.
- Between 2019 and 2021, Renzo has been doing a VENI-fellowship in the MR-methods group headed by Benedikt Poser in Maastricht. In 2021, Renzo became a tenured Assistant professor (UD2) at the faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University Maastricht.
- Between 2015 and 2018, he did his Post-Doc work with Peter Bandettini at NIH focusing on developing methods to map brain functional activity changes at sub-millimeter scales in humans.
- Renzo received his doctoral degree in physics at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany in 2015 working with Bob Turner and Harald Moeller.
Renzo's interests are:
- Making layer-fMRI a turn-key imaging tool for neuroscience applications.
- High-resolution fMRI method development.
- Whole brain layer-fMRI.
- Functional mapping of blood volume.
- Advanced fMRI readouts: segmented EPI, dual-polarity EPI, multi-echo imaging, SMS-imaging and 3D-EPI imaging
- Open science (open sequences, open data, open analysis),
- Curating and presenting good standards of high-resolution acquisition, reconstruction and processing.
Work phone: +1 301 222 7510
Email: (alternative, when on campus:
National Institute of Mental Health
Building 10, Room 1D74
10 Center Drive, MSC 1148
Bethesda, MD 20892-1148
Online presence:
- Group site: (This page)
- On Twitter, Renzo is writing about layerfMRI:
- On Github, Renzo is writing a standalone layering software LAYNII:
- On the blog , I am writing about layer-fMRI topics such as acquisition, analyses and research field.
- On Youtube, Renzo is collecting scientific talks on high-resolution and layer fMRI in the layerfMRI channel: